Pop Fiction: J Cole, Kangaroos, Rogue One and more...

Pop Fiction is a Rap Station exclusive segment, catering to the latest news bits and updates in pop culture. Hosted by Josh and Toreno, the show fashions an absolute kick-back vibe with all its “hey, did you hear about this” quirks, loose antics, and humor all around, making Pop Fic...Read more

No Limit Records Signs Young Houston Emcee, Marqus Clae

Master P announced No Limit Records' latest recruit: None other than sixteen-year-old Houston artist, Marqus Clae. The announcement was made via Instagram where the veteran rapper posted a video alongside Clae, who then sampled some edgy lines with no trace of hesitation whatsoever. As pertai...Read more

Q-Tip Hints at Future A Tribe Called Quest Music

It's been a phenomenal year in terms of album releases, and among its most anticipated, sits A Tribe Called Quest's final album, We Got It From Here... Thank You 4 Your Service. The idea of the veteran rap group departing the scene with a last album had been teased early in the year,...Read more

Throwback: Wu-Tang's “The W” Gets Certified Platinum

This day in hip-hop throws back to a certain Wu-Tang Clan album on the day it struck platinum status, certified by the RIAA—merely two months following its initial debut. Released under Loud Records on the 21st of November, 2000, the Wu-Tang Clan's third album, The W, featured...Read more

Wrapping Up A Phenomenal Year for Young MC, Desiigner

Desiigner is only a few weeks away from wrapping up a phenomenal year, and that includes striking gold on his “Timmy Turner” single, as well as a Grammy Award nomination for his breakout-hit, “Panda”. Marking one year since it's initial release in just two days, &ldquo...Read more

General Steele Interview: Thoughts on New President and Modern Hip-hop

Esteemed by Public Enemy's Chuck D as one of the best interview conductors in hip-hop, Tim Einenkel recently sat down with Smif-N-Wessun's General Steele, inquiring particularly about the emcee's thoughts regarding the recent Trump election and modern-day Hip-hop. In regard to the new...Read more