Prince Paul is certainly no stranger to collaborative hip hop work. His production on the early De La Soul albums cemented his position as one of hip hop's eminent producers. After that, he went on to do a complete stylistic about-face as he helped pioneer the macabre, horrorcore sound by assemb...… Read more
The Hip Hop collective group Blak Madeen with Yusuf Abdul-Mateen and Al-J, came together on an exclusive interview to discuss their careers and their latest project Supreme Aftermath. They talk about their struggles and highlights of being in Hip Hop and insight into their music that...… Read more
De La Soul have been in the hip hop game for almost three decades now, and while the band plays modest in regards to their legacy and influence on hip hop history, they slyly acknowledge their place as rap legends in their newest song, "Royalty Capes." You can listen to "Royalty Ca...… Read more
Rapper and producer Uncommon Nasa worked on a slew of early Def Jux releases in the early 2000s. He quickly established himself as an underground hip-hop heavyweight and eventually founded his own label, Uncommon Records, in 2004. These days, he’s mastered the DIY way of doing things—fro...… Read more
DJ Skizz's second producer album, Cruise Control, won't be released until the end of the month, but he's giving the world a preview of the album with "Bosses," a new track that also features Roc Marciano and Conway. You can listen to "Bosses" on Soundcloud her...… Read more
MCSKILL THAPREACHA: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH THIS WEEKS SPOTLIGHT ARTIST Rapper and writer MCskill ThaPreacha (Real name: Olawale Aremo) took the time to connect with RAPstation for an exclusive interview. He is currently based in Nigeria and as you will read, faces his own challenges with b...… Read more