Netflix recently released the latest installment to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the form the much-awaited series, Luke Cage—the origin story of the reluctant Power Man upholding the call to defend New York. Cheo Hodari Coker, the show's creator, attested to providing significa...… Read more
Comprised of super producer Prince Paul (De La Soul, Grave Diggaz, Handsome Boy Modeling School) Digable Planets’ Ladybug Mecca, producer Don Newkirk, and Brazilian MC Rodrigo Brandão, BROOKZILL! fuses classic New York hip-hop with the sounds of Brazil, providing an all-encompassing, cr...… Read more
Growing up in South Central Los Angeles, James McCall, better known by his stage moniker Nocando, spent most of his life rapping on the streets and honing his skills in the local scene, which really helped shaped his musical style. Fast forward to 2016 and Nocando has built a reputable rap...… Read more
California-based rap duo, The Wryters, release their Top 40 mixtape, and the sound is unlike any we've heard before—well, actually that's not necessarily true. The mixtape takes audiences back to Hip-hop's Golden Age through its organic messages, and raw content, mingl...… Read more
One cannot deny the image of a chasm dividing young and old in the realm of Hip-hop. Born into the tumults of their generation, hip-hop veterans uphold differing perspectives as opposed to a large majority of their younger counterparts. Despite this, it appears the millennials seek to restore their...… Read more
One simply can't dismiss the progress and change Hip-hop's made since it earliest years. Born out of the 90's movement himself, Chicago rapper/producer Common Sense acknowledges its current position and presses on with his thoughts in his forthcoming album Black America Again. Th...… Read more