The Game Helps Raise Money for Compton Teen to Fly Around the World

The Game Helps Raise Money for Compton Teen to Fly Around the World

By Rapstation Editor for

The Game certainly seems to be in a giving mood these days. Last week, he launched his “Yo Mama, My Mama” campaign where he bought  $1,000 worth of groceries for a mother of eight that was selected through Instagram, and today, it was announced that The Game would be donating to help a Compton teen become the youngest pilot to fly around the world.

16 year old Compton resident Isaiah Cooper recently finished a solo flight across the country, and his next goal is become the youngest pilot to fly solo around the world. Cooper recently started a GoFundMe campaign with a final goal of $45,000, and The Game helped jumpstart the campaign with a generous $1,000 dollar donation.

“This trip will have costs of things he will need to complete it, fuel, food equipment etc….. so PLEASE CLICK THE LINK IN MY BIO & DONATE ANYTHING you can to help him accomplish his dream…,” The Game said as he implored others to do the same. “As usual, I will start with a donation of $1,000 in hopes that by the end of the day we have ALL helped him reach his goal of $45,000…… It takes us ALL to support one another…… IF YOU CARE & WANT TO BE APART OF THE SOLUTION, SHOW IT.”

In addition to his financial generosity, The Game has also helped to stage a reconciliation between the LAPD and the Los Angeles community by co-leading a peaceful rally with Snoop Dogg designed to cultivate a friendly dialogue between police officers and residents of the city. The Compton-based rapper also recently facilitated a meeting between Los Angeles gang members where a peace treaty was signed by various members of the Bloods and Crips.

By Ryan Donberg for