Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart's TV show renewed for a 2nd season

Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart's TV show renewed for a 2nd season

By Rapstation Editor for

Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart's dinner party and lifestyle show Martha & Snoop’s Dinner Party is (inexplicably,) a success, and the show has reportedly been renewed for another season.

Martha & Snoop’s Dinner Party premiered earlier this Fall, and while only three episodes of the show have aired so far, the show is apparently successful enough for VH1 to renew the series for another season.

The show features the Long Beach rapper teaming up with the East Hampton's most famous ex-convict to host a series of high-end dinner parties for celebrity guests. The first season has so far seen the unlikely duo host parties for Seth Rogen, Wiz Khalifa, Rick Ross, 50 Cent, and more. The show has been a surprise success for network VH1, with over 3 million viewers tuning in for each dinner party.

The next episode will feature Snoop and Martha sharing their Thanksgiving dinner with guest 2 Chainz. Describing the importance of the holiday, Snoop says in a preview for the episode ""Thanksgiving is a time we all gather together to eat a bird that once had a whole lot of feathers."

By Michael Lacerna for