Big Boi Stars In Animated Cartoon About Mental Health

Big Boi Stars In Animated Cartoon About Mental Health

By Kyle Eustice for

Outkast MC Big Boi has joined The Public Good Projects' Therapy Pets campaign in an effort to debunk the stigma surrounding mental health.

The roughly one-and-a-half minute animated short stars Big Boi as "Captain Owl," a cartoon owl who navigates his aircraft while trying to find the right words to describe a condition that affects more than 40 million people across the country. 

Daddy Fax Sacks elaborated on the clip in a Twitter post. 

“Being a dad and a man of words I wanted to help bring attention to the importance of choosing good words to talk about mental health," he wrote on January 9. "So I teamed up with some of my friends to put together an animation featuring my owls."

Therapy Pets recruits pet lovers and their pets to assist in the support of those suffering from a variety of mental health conditions.

Check out the video below and read more about Therapy Pets' mission here.